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10 Days That Unexpectedly Changed America: Shays's Rebellion. Prod. Susan Werbe. Dir. Bill Plympton. The History Channel, 2006. YouTube. Web. 2 Nov. 2013.

A brief documentary about Shays’ Rebellion.  It serves as a great introductory video that provides a broad overview of the rebellion.  It address the major players, the prominent causes, as well as the lasting effects of the skirmish.  The video takes the viewpoint of both the government as well as Shays’ militia, which allows for a holistic interpretation of the event.  Throughout the documentary historians from a variety of institutions are brought in to discuss their opinions on the subject, which lends a serious amount of credibility to this source.



This documentary brings Shays' Rebellion to life by recreating the insurrection through acting.  Looking to address the period between the Revolution and the Constitution, the documentary attempts to answer what happened during this time and what were the lasting effects.  This source can best be used as a supplement to the effects of Shays' Rebellion.  While the documentary's focus is not solely on the rebellion, it addresses how the Constitution was affected by the rebellion and the process as well as the people involved in ratification. 

A Little Rebellion. Prod. Randall Conrad. Dir. Christine Dall. Calliope Films, 2009. DVD.


Freeman, Joanne. "A Union Without Power." Lecture. Yale University Courses. New Haven. YouTube. Yale University, 18 Mar. 2011. Web. 7 Oct. 2013.

A Lecture by Joanne Freeman of Yale University.  The lectures covers the weakness of the Articles of Confederation and how Shays' Rebellion helped expose this weakness.

A lecture by Leo Richards, author of Shays's Rebellion: The American Revolutions Final Battle. The lecture covers information pertaining to the rebellion and is told from the viewpoint of historian Leo Richards.  

Richards, Leonard L. "Shays's Rebellion: The American Revolutions Final Battle." Lecture. Second Annual Henry Steel Commager Lecture. Greenfield Community College, Greenfield. YouTube. 17 Feb. 2011. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.

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